7 Libraries that I use in every iOS projects

Nabin Shrestha
3 min readJun 25, 2021


We all use libraries in our projects for faster development of applications. Here are some of the libraries that I use in most of my projects.

1. RxAlamofire
Almost all of the apps developed today requests data from server and loads it in the app. If you love to use RxSwift in your apps then RxAlamofire is must to perform network requests. It makes your network requests reactive.

2. RxSwift

RxSwift is my Go-to library for writing business logic layer in any application I write. It makes it so much easier to manipulate responses obtained from server in whichever way you need it. I find it so much easier and fun to work with RxSwift.

3. Firebase

Firebase is also one of the must have library in applications. Using this we can easily use Cloud Messaging to send push notifications to our app, Crashlytics to monitor crashes and other information on our app, App Distribution to distribute beta apps to testers and much more.

4. IQKeyboardManager

This is a lifesaver that automatically handles keyboard actions. It solves the problem of keyboard covering up the textfields and other views when user is asking for input. It is very easy to add and use too.

5. MaterialComponents

Google has made it easy for us to use material components in iOS applications. Components like AppBar, Bottom App Bar, Bottom Sheet, Buttons, Cards, Chips and much more.

5. LBTATools

LBTATools is very lightweight library that helps on removing most of the boilerplate code. It helps to speed up development of UI drastically. It is a must have in my iOS projects.

6. Instructions

This library is used to show coach marks i.e. hints in popup like view to provide information about features of apps to users and guide them how it works.

7. SkeletonView

SkeletonView can be used in our application to show loading state on views in a pleasing way when the data is being fetched from server. Instead of showing a loading activity indicator that blocks the user to navigate in the app SkeletonView is a nice alternative.

That is all for now folks. These libraries are very much helpful and are supported by very much skilled developers and also have thousands of stars rated in Github.



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